We kick off unique experiences with FREE TRANSPORTATION to the biggest Mall in the country!
PORT MALL offers absolutely free transportation to all visitors and loyal customers.
Our goal is for you to enjoy every trip, that's why we provide you with the safest transportation!
The available routes are designed to get you to your destination in the shortest possible time, avoiding busy streets.
Hours of Operation
Ciocana Sector: 10:10 - 22:40
Râșcani Sector: 10:30 - 22:10
Available Routes
PORT MALL buses run on two main routes: Ciocana and Râșcani.
The circulation route covers the main areas of the city and ensures a fast travel, bypassing the urban agglomeration.
1. Circulation route Ciocana sector.
Tour: PORT MALL - Bucovinei St. - Nicolae Sulac St. - Professor Ion Dumeniuc St. - Igor Vieru St. - Ciocana Court - Petru Zadnipru St. - Ginta Latină St. - Alecu Russo St. - Mihail Sadoveanu St. - Nicolae Dimo St. - Bogdan Voievod St. - Circus - Roman St. - Andrei Doga St. - Columna St.
2. Circulation route Riscani sector.
Tur: PORT MALL - str. Studenților - str. Florilor - Bd. Matei Basarab str. - Miron Costin str. - Bogdan Voievod str. - Kiev str. - Circul - Romană str. - Andrei Doga str. - Columna str.