Free Transport

We're launching unique experiences with FREE TRANSPORTATION to the largest Mall in the country!

PORT MALL offers absolutely free buses for all visitors and loyal customers.

Our goal is to ensure you enjoy every journey, which is why we provide you with the safest means of transportation!

The available routes are planned to get you to your destination in the shortest possible time, avoiding crowded streets.

Operating Hours:

Ciocana Sector: 10:00 - 23:00

Râșcani Sector: 10:20 - 21:08

Buiucani Sector (Monday-Friday): 10:37 - 20:54

Buiucani Sector (Weekend): 10:37 - 20:54

Available Routes:

PORTMALL buses operate on three main routes: Ciocana, Râșcani, and Buiucani.

The route covers the main areas of the city and ensures fast travel, bypassing urban congestion.

Ciocana Sector Route

Outbound: PORT MALL - Bucovinei Street - Nicolae Sulac Street - Profesor Ion Dumeniuc Street - Igor Vieru Street - Ciocana Court - Petru Zadnipru Street - Latin Ginta Street - Alecu Russo Street - Mihail Sadoveanu Street - Nicolae Dimo Street - Bogdan Voievod Street - Circul - Romana Street - Andrei Doga Street - Columna Street

Inbound: Stefan cel Mare și Sfânt Boulevard - Grigore Vieru Street - Romana Street - Circul - Bogdan Voievod Street - Alecu Russo Street - Nicoale Dimo Street - Mihail Sadoveanu Street - Mircea cel Bătrân Street - Pretura sec. Ciocana - Ciocana Court - Igor Vieru Street - Milescu Spătaru Street - Bucovinei Street - PORT MALL

Râșcani Sector Route

Outbound: PORT MALL – Studenților Street – Florilor Street – Moscow Boulevard – Matei Basarab Street – Miron Costin Street – Bogdan Voievod Street – Kiev Street – Circul – Romana Street – Andrei Doga Street – Columna Street

Inbound: Stefan cel Mare și Sfânt Boulevard – Grigore Vieru Street – Romana Street – Circul – Kiev Street – Moscow Boulevard – Miron Costin Street – Matei Basarab Street – Studenților Street – Florilor Street – Socoleni Street – PORT MALL

Buiucani Sector Route (Monday-Friday)

Outbound: PORT MALL – Studenților Street – Florilor Street – Moscova Boulevard – Matei Basarab Street – Miron Costin Street – Bogdan Voievod Street – Kiev Street – Circul – Romana Street – Andrei Doga Street – Columna Street – Opera and Ballet Theater – Technical University – Medical University – Ion Creangă Street – Ion și Doina Aldea Teodorovici Street – Unification of the Principalities Square – Pelivan Street – Paris Street – Onisifor Ghibu Street – Liviu Deleanu Street – Balcani Highway

Inbound: Balcani Highway – Liviu Deleanu Street – Onisifor Ghibu Street – Paris Street – Unification of the Principalities Square – Ion Creangă Street – Ștefan Neaga Street – Pedagogical University – Medical University – Toma Ciorbă Street – Serghei Lazo Street – Great National Assembly Square – Pușkin Street – Grigore Vieru Street – Romana Street – Circul – Kiev Street – Moscova Boulevard – Miron Costin Street – Matei Basarab Street – Studenților Street – Florilor Street – Socoleni Street – PORT MALL

Buiucani Sector Route (Weekend)

Outbound: PORT MALL – Studenților Street – Florilor Street – Moscova Boulevard – Matei Basarab Street – Miron Costin Street – Bogdan Voievod Street – Kiev Street – Circul – Romana Street – Andrei Doga Street – Columna Street – Opera and Ballet Theater – Technical University – Medical University – Ion Creangă Street – Ion și Doina Aldea Teodorovici Street – Unification of the Principalities Square – Pelivan Street – Paris Street – Onisifor Ghibu Street – Liviu Deleanu Street – Balcani Highway

Inbound: Balcani Highway – Liviu Deleanu Street – Onisifor Ghibu Street – Paris Street – Unification of the Principalities Square – Ion Creangă Street – Ștefan Neaga Street – Pedagogical University – Medical University – Toma Ciorbă Street – Serghei Lazo Street – Great National Assembly Square – Pușkin Street – Grigore Vieru Street – Romana Street – Circul – Kiev Street – Moscova Boulevard – Miron Costin Street – Matei Basarab Street – Studenților Street – Florilor Street – Socoleni Street – PORT MALL