Privacy Policy

I. General

The website (hereinafter referred to as the "website"), dedicated to online consultation services, is owned by Golimp Art S.R.L., located in Chisinau, on M. Sadovyanu Street 42/6. By using the website, you accept the Privacy Data Agreement presented below.

This document covers the collection and use of personal information that you provide to us directly or indirectly when using the services provided by this website.

We reserve the right to make changes or updates to the terms of this Privacy Agreement without prior notice. The latest version is always available at the web address.

Golimp Art S.R.L recognizes the importance of protecting the information received from you, and this agreement specifies how we use this data.

Additionally, your feedback is welcome and will always be appreciated - please (and thank you in advance) confidently use the address to send us ideas, suggestions, opinions, or complaints.

II. Data Acquisition

The processing of personal data includes any operation or set of operations performed on your personal data by automatic or non-automatic means, such as: collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation, or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination, or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, blocking, erasure, destruction, archiving.

To access the "Golimp-Art SRL" websites, you are not required to provide any personal data.

In the context of carrying out the current activities of "Golimp-Art SRL," including conducting commercial/contractual activities, purchasing products, as well as in the context of fulfilling legal obligations, we may request certain personal data.

In this sense, "Golimp-Art SRL" will process, among other things, the following personal data: name and surname, phone number, address, email.

Who is the target audience?

Individuals (data subjects) whose data may be processed by "Golimp-Art SRL" exclusively for the purposes stated below:

Individual clients of "Golimp-Art SRL" (current, former, or potential), visitors, the general public, their representatives/authorized persons, legal or traditional entities;

Consequences of refusing to provide personal data: You, as a data subject, are obligated to provide complete, up-to-date, and accurate data.

To be able to offer you certain services related to the activities of "Golimp-Art SRL," we will request personal data necessary for the provision of these services, and refusing to provide such data may make it impossible to provide services by "Golimp-Art SRL." When you acquire a service provided by "Golimp-Art SRL," we collect personal data in connection with the provision of these services.

By reading these provisions and providing personal data to access the services of "Golimp-Art SRL" through websites owned by "Golimp-Art SRL," you are informed and/or explicitly express your consent (agreement) to the processing of personal data in accordance with the provisions of the law on the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (national law No. 133/2011 on the protection of personal data).

Users can request the deletion of their data or account from the website at any time by sending an email or finding us through the number on the site. Within 2 days, user data will be deleted.

If data processing is no longer required for the provision of a service, for the fulfillment of a legal obligation, and is not justified by the legitimate interest of "Golimp-Art SRL," you may refuse such processing or revoke your consent. For example, data subjects may revoke their consent to the processing of data for the purposes of direct marketing, personalized offers at any time and without the need to specify the reason, informing Golimp-Art SRL in writing/electronically at the following email address - The data subject will no longer receive commercial information about the services offered by "Golimp-Art SRL."

III. Data Usage

Confidential information taken from the website is used only for the successful use of the services offered and for communication with you if necessary.

Additionally, it may be used to acquaint you with new features, offers, or other information.

IV. Disclosure of Collected Data

We assure you that without your consent, Golimp Art S.R.L will not disclose the information obtained to third parties, except in cases provided by law when the transfer of such data is absolutely necessary.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information, including the careful use of data used for your authentication, whether used with or without your consent.

Our employees are obligated to strictly observe the confidentiality of any personal data we possess.

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be entirely secure. However, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure the security of your personal information.

V. Cookie Files

Cookie files are transferred from the website to the visitor's hard drive to store certain information. Cookie files are an industry standard and widely used by most websites, including our own (for the purpose of facilitating user access to the site). This technology allows adapting the content presented on the site to your needs.

However, if you do not want data to be collected through cookie files, you can disable this technology in your browser. However, please note that cookie files may be required to provide certain services.

VI. Data Access

We assure you that we take all reasonable measures to protect your personal data, as well as to ensure its accuracy and currency. If you find incorrect information about yourself, please (and thank you in advance) contact us to make the necessary changes.

In addition, our employees are obligated to strictly observe the confidentiality of any personal data we possess.

This agreement is entered into between you and Golimp Art S.R.L. It regulates your use (of services offered through) the website, having priority over any previous agreement between you and Golimp Art S.R.L.

VII. Intellectual Property

All textual information and graphic images published on the website are the property of the owner and/or its contractors. Trademarks, trade names, and logos posted on the website are the property of their respective owners.

The user may view and download materials from this website only for personal non-commercial use while preserving all copyright and other proprietary information contained in the original materials and any copies thereof. It is prohibited to modify the materials on this website, distribute or display them in any form, or use them in any other way for public or commercial purposes. Any use of these materials on other websites or computer networks is prohibited.