Participate in the biggest SECRET SANTA in the country and receive as a gift an iPhone 15, a Playstation 5, a Dyson hair dryer, and over 10,000 other gifts from your favorite brands!
How to be a Secret Santa:
1.Buy a Gift or a Gift Certificate worth at least 200 lei from any store in PORT MALL, from December 2nd to December 18th, 2023.
2.Wrap the gift, register it, and leave it for a stranger at the Secret Santa post office.
3.Receive the participation certificate!
4.Come between December 19th and December 25th, 2023, and exchange your participation certificate at the Secret Santa raffle for one of the 10,000 gifts offered by PORT MALL, your favorite brands, campaign ambassadors, and partners, as well as other participants.
Give and Win at PORT MALL - Be a Secret Santa!
Come and join the Largest Secret Santa with Free PORT MALL Buses.
For more details about the daily FREE events, join the PORT MALL community on Telegram.